Have you ever had crazy thoughts, that you try and push out of your mind, but keep coming back?


Like, ‘why don’t we throw an entire idea, methodology and industry out, and do something different’?


Well you are not alone! I describe today’s guest on the podcast as crazy – in a good way.


Listen in as Gordon Bedford mounts the case to relegate risk to the history books, and replace it with something much more effective, much more human:

3:05 Gordon’s crazy idea

7:12 Raging against likelihood & ‘acceptable risk’

9:04 Risk Fail #1: Fukishima

8:58 Vulnerability vs risk

18:11 Risk Fail #2: Benign risk leads to massacre

19:22 Learning from benign risk but highly vulnerable

21:09 6 people dead, but the risk assessment was right?

27:35 How does vulnerability work in more familiar contexts?

28:53 Road safety already uses vulnerability

Once you’ve listened to PART 1, head over and listen to PART 2 of this interview, when Gordon unpacks some his idea with some practical examples.

Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett.  If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap

If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email! andrew@safetyontap.com